Updates on Roblox

April 25, 2009



2 admins, renderman and madrack, have been working on making a new type of brick. These trusses have little triangles, and the best part is that it’s a brick, not a model with a billion bricks in it. Telamon says the team is trying to make it easier for Robloxians to climb on and make them less dense than normal bricks.



I think a bunch of you know the somewhat new “Material” dropdown on Roblox Studio. Roblox added wood recently, and now they added slate. The gray colors make it look like slate, green makes it look like textures of grass. You may use red as lava.


This isn’t a new feature, but if you are a Robloxian with hardly any scripting skills, look at the script of the day. It’s lava. It’s very useful on obstacle cources, but you can use it on other things.

function onTouch(part)
	local humanoid = part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if (humanoid ~= nil) then	-- if a humanoid exists, then
		humanoid.Health = 0	-- damage the humanoid


So, for education, I can’t let you just copy and paste. I’m gonna teach you what parts of the script does.

function onTouch(part) [If someone or something touches this brick]
local humanoid = part.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) [find out if it is a “Humanoid”]
if (humanoid ~= nil) then [ if a humanoid exists, then]
humanoid.Health = 0 [drop the health bar down to 0]


That was enough learning from today!

Universal Connectors


The universal connectors are a new type of texture. It has the texture “Studs” and “Inlet” on 1 side. This is most best if you put it in a house, ’cause it has textures commonly found on the ground.



Telamon created a whole demo of slate and trusses. You can view it here.

New Tools

If you look into the “insert” button in the screen, you see a sidebar. Before, it had bricks of all different colors. Now, you can have a custom made ball (for example) in just a few seconds!

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